Maddie's Fund founders Dave & Cheryl Duffield and president Rich Avanzino honored for their efforts to save all nation's healthy and treatable pets

February 5, 2015

Contact: Sharon Fletcher
[email protected]
Phone: 925-310-5458

Pleasanton, Calif., February 5, 2015 – From veterinarians and trainers to authors, venture philanthropists and scientists, they are the people who have made the lives of dogs better and happier.

In its March 2015 45th Anniversary Collectors’ Issue, Dog Fancy Magazine named 45 people they say changed the dog world, and Maddie's Fund® founders Dave and Cheryl Duffield and president Rich Avanzino were on the list for their efforts to make the U.S. a no-kill nation.

"We congratulate every single person on this list and are incredibly honored to be in such compassionate and talented company," said Avanzino. "Every one of these individuals has shown their dedication to making sure our canine family members are cherished, happy and loved."

Maddie's Fund's mission is to save the lives of every healthy and treatable dog and cat in the U.S. by the end of 2015, a goal that might sound daunting until you actually break down the numbers.

"Seventeen million people have indicated they are planning to acquire a pet this year but have not yet decided from where. Currently, there are 2.4 million cats and dogs who lose their lives each year because they don't have a home," said Rich "All we have to do to become a no-kill nation this year is to adopt just 10 additional pets per month in every city."

"Reaching that goal is not only possible, it's inevitable," Avanzino said. "The only question is when – and the answer is this year if we all pull together and make it happen."

Maddie's Fund was founded in 1994 by Dave Duffield and his wife, Cheryl, who have endowed the Foundation with more than $300 million. Since then, they have awarded more than $153 million in grants towards increased community lifesaving, shelter medicine education and pet adoptions across the U.S.

The organization also recently launched its own pet fostering and adoption program to test and create model programs to help all shelter and rescue organizations make it easier and less expensive to save companion animal lives.

The Duffields named Maddie's Fund after their Miniature Schnauzer, Maddie, who always made them laugh or comforted them during stressful times when Dave was launching a startup software company. Maddie, who passed away in 1997 was the first of 10 dogs plus 7 adopted children who’ve joined Dave and Cheryl’s family over the years.

The Duffields named Maddie's Fund after their Miniature Schnauzer, Maddie, who always made them laugh or comforted them during stressful times when Dave was launching a startup software company. Maddie, who passed away in 1997 was the first of 10 dogs plus 7 adopted children who’ve joined Dave and Cheryl’s family over the years.

"Maddie was a dear friend to Cheryl and me, and I promised her that if I ever made any money in my career, we’d give it back to companion animal causes in her honor,” said Duffield. "We’re very proud of the work Maddie’s Fund has done on behalf of Maddie, and we’re thankful to have had the opportunity to keep our promise to her.”

About Maddie's Fund

Maddie's Fund® is a family foundation established in 1994 by Dave and Cheryl Duffield and is the fulfillment of a promise to their inspirational dog, Maddie. She provided them much joy from 1987 – 1997 and continues to inspire them today.

The Foundation has awarded over $265 million in grants toward increased community lifesaving, pioneering shelter medicine education and establishing foster care as a standard across the U.S.

Maddie's Fund proudly offers the industry a national voice, important funding opportunities for bold ideas, learning resources and access to collaborate and share innovative solutions. The Foundation invests its resources in a commitment to keeping pets and people together, creating a safety net of care for animals in need and operating within a culture of inclusiveness and humility. #ThanksToMaddie.